Friday, October 29, 2010

First Halloween (Part 1)

I love Halloween! It's so much fun and this year with Eliana makes it even more fun. We had a big day today. First stop was Dad's office (downtown Seattle) and next stop was the trick-or-treat at the Magnolia village where the main street shuts down and all the little ones get to have a blast. Our little pumpkin was a perfect little trick-or-treater; well, she didn't really trick-or-treat, but we took her around to see people and that was a very big treat for us (and dad, especially, since he got out of work early!). But, she did manage to slightly bust open a mini Snickers that we had given her as a teething toy; we still don't know if she got any chocolate, but if she did, Happy 1st Halloween, pumpkin!

Our little pumpkin is working on some more teeth!

On the road to Dad's work

Feeling a little sleepy

Lots of firsts for Elle Belle; first Halloween work party and first time meeting MJ!

At Magnolia Village with Katherine Newman

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