Thursday, October 21, 2010

8 Months

Eliana turned 8 months last week. She's a very busy baby now, on the move and exploring everything, including the bathroom floors, kitchen, carpets and mom and dad's room. Sadly, with all this movement, she's losing her great 'Michelin tire' legs. But, she's so excited to get stuck under the coffee table or the Exersaucer, crawl into the kitchen and explore the bathroom - all places she's never really ventured before - that we soon get over the fat rolls disappearing! And, it's a joy to watch her.

New tricks: *crawling - a combination of army and worm; *moving from sitting up to crawling without bashing her head; *teeth - two on bottom (as of this weekend); *communicating very clearly what she wants and does not want - by grunting, making owl noises, or crying; *reading stories with Mom and Dad - with minimal eating of the books; *taking baths sitting up; *posing for the camera (that was Grandpa Dahlgren's observation last week)

New/old favorites: *lights - always and forever; *butterflies above her crib - after every nap (and we're still on the 30-min nap schedule) I hold her up to them so she can see them closer and her smile melts my heart; *mom and dad's bed - she loves the textures, feeling and crawling on the big pillows; *Dad coming home from work

Curly cue

Working hard on pigeon pose

This crawling stuff is tiring!

One of the daily stops - Ella Blaine park (only a couple blocks away)

Thanks for my new clothes, Auntie Amy

Mom's little helper

Exploring new territories

Our turn to host PEPS

I love hanging out on mom and dad's bed

Q: What will you do to prevent a baby from waking up? A: Take the blender outside and use the patio outlet to make the baby food

Enjoying a beautiful October day at Golden Gardens with the Schlameus family

Bath talk

Our little worm

No more face plants


  1. Go Eliana! Love these pics and videos and so much fun to see her scoot along!

  2. Happy 8 months Eliana! I love all the pics, esp. the laundry basket one and the blender on the porch!
