Monday, September 13, 2010

Seattle Summer

Besides a couple weeks in August, we really have had a very short and not so nice summer. I remember thinking to myself when Eliana was born (Feb.20) that the weather was really too nice for the spring and that I hoped it didn't ruin our summer.....well, we have been short-changed, but we've still managed to have some fun trips out even in the rainy/cloudy weather.

At the Locks to watch the salmon run

Olympic Sculpture Park (and yes we're in fleece and it's August!!)

Eliana loved the SAM Sculpture Park art...the colors were so bright and she even got to touch the painting on the wall

A nice day hike to Tallapus Lake

This wonderful park is only 4 blocks from our house and there is an amazing cityscape of downtown.

Mom and Eliana go here every day around 4:00 pm to watch the bigger kiddos and get a little swinging in

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