Tuesday, September 21, 2010

7 Months

Yesterday was Eliana's 7 month birthday. I know everyone says this, but I don't know where the time has gone. I look back at her newborn pictures and don't even remember those days and it's hard to believe she's the same baby. Those early 8-week unhappy hour days have turned into an early bed time (6:00 pm), but we have nothing to complain about. Happy baby, happy life!

No stats to report since our next check-up is at 9 months (barring no visits to the doc in between now and then, knock on wood!), but she is up to her ears in rolls and it is so dang cute and hard to not touch them!

Her new favorites: *vegetables: zucchini, avocado, sweet potato & carrots, *fruit: mango & pear mix, *watching for Daddy to come home, *waiting for Mom and Dad to pat the duvet while she lies on our bed making it sound like foot steps (the sound really makes her giggle) , *swimming class, *hammock time, *changes in facial expressions (going from smiling to straight-face), *catch with the ball, and *still loving her feet and toes.

New skills: sitting up, grabbing and switching toys between hands, rolling over and over (the length of the living room rug), showing us when she's excited by flapping her arms like she's going to fly.

Thanks Cyd, for my cute AK onesie!

Why do you suppose it's so fun to play with Daddy?

Thanks, Grandma and Grandpa for my Steamboat garb

First time sitting in the grocery cart

Entertaining us at Canal Coffee

We took one of our old cell phones and removed the battery - what a hit!


  1. I'd love to squeeze those rolls :) She is beautiful - I love her bright smile!

  2. She looks like such a little lady (not baby!) sitting so strong at Trader Joes!

  3. I can't get over her!!!! She has the happiest/cheeriest little face :)
