Thursday, September 16, 2010

Fall Semester Has Begun

Eliana started swim lessons on Tuesday (Sept. 14) and next week will have American Sign Language/Spanish Music Class (yes, all in one class!) in addition to Nurturing Pathways (a type of mobility class).

She loved swim lessons. Her eyes were huge when she saw how big the pool was and when I put her on her tummy to look down at the water, she dunked her face in; not once, but 4 times before class was over. The nasty chlorine water and slight choking didn't even phase her!

Both Eliana and Lillian loved swim class. Lily (and Ali Schlameus) will be Elle Bell's classmate for all 3 classes.

Both Eliana and Lily LOVED the hot tub after class. Their blue lips were gone in seconds and Elle Belle looked like she could have fallen asleep on the spot.

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to starting our other classes this week - swimming was great today, though had a hard time leaving the hot tub!
