Sunday, February 27, 2011

1 Year

Eliana is a busy girl and it feels like the last week or so she has started doing so many new things that it's hard to keep track of them all. I feel like there is a huge developmental surge going on right now, which is fun to watch but not fun at night when she's been waking up more often (practicing her walking, maybe?). Today we did a developmental screen and the woman doing it commented, "What an explorer." It's so true. Eliana loves to explore and expresses her happiness by a screech that if not heard by others, may be startling at first (or make other babies cry). She's a joy to watch, she has no fear and loves to explore everything and lets you know when she is happy and not so....

*Weight: 21 lbs 11 oz (61% tile)
*Height: 29.25" (55% tile)
*Head circumference: 45.8 cm (71% tile)

Her new tricks/interests are: *clapping, *blinking/squinting, *cruising and letting go (no walking yet), *copycatting everything including babble sounds (ba ba), *drinking cow's milk, *chewing her crib, *playing with magnets, *sorting and unsorting, *putting objects in and taking them out, *pointing.

Thanks to Rolf Gruen for this beautifully hand-knit hat

We're still doing swim lessons at the Ballard Pool; Eliana can now do the 50m butterfly, can you believe it?

I'm just as good on the guitar as Daddy is

Wearing big girl shoes

Bath time with Daddy

One of her favorite ways to get a reaction out of us is to grind her teeth

The Beaver has arrived...

Eliana loves to take things off/out/from and hold it before putting it over one of her shoulders and dropping it....we call it 'organizing' but it's really not a true descriptor

Bathing beauty

On the move and no time to put on her pants


  1. What a cutie pie!!!! Happy Birthday Eliana! P.S. Cyd's crib looks very similar . . . like a caged wild animal spent some time in her room. :)

  2. aw happy birthday!!! such a beautiful little girl with a lot of personality :)

  3. Happy Birthday, Eliana! Love these updates - she's getting so big and looks so happy. Just like her mom and dad. Congrats to you guys too!

  4. So sweet! Isn't it amazing how much they grow and change in one year? Happy 1st Birthday Eliana!
