Monday, August 5, 2013

Ethan - 12 months

This is belated (as we are with everything these days with two kids!), but here are some fun stats:

Height: 31" (87.70 % tile)
Weight: 22 lbs. 14 oz (71.89% tile)
HC: 47 cm (74.33 % tile)

New skills:
-Still cruising around and getting more brave on his feet
-Eating gold fish! (that is a skill, right?!)
-More and more interest in books.  Now it's expanded to the full realm of all trucks/cars/moving things.
-Finds new lovies, but Bunny is still number 1
-Says, "mama" and "dada" pretty consistently
-Pointing to everything, for desires and to wonder what things are.
-Simple phrase understanding, like "Ethan, where's your Bunny?" He will go look for it and find it.

He is a huge eater and most of the time out-eats Eliana by 3 times.  It's amazing how much he can fit in his little belly.

Still takes two solid naps/day.  Phew! :)

Ethan continues to be a very mellow little baby. He LOVES the water and is constantly going crazy in it; the water table, the bath, the pool, the wading pool, whatever form it is in.  He loves to watch Eliana and others; he is an observer and I will catch him watching other kids at the park for a long time, especially the boys on bikes or with trucks.  Such a boy!  He loves to bang on things and play with his cars at home. He also loves to dance to whatever music we have on.  He goes with the flow. He is also more passionate about being outside than Eliana ever was.  He will speedily crawl over to the door and grunt until I open it and take him for a walk. He loves to look at the trees, too. So blessed to have such a delightful little boy.  We love you, Bubbie (Bubba Bear).

 Getting a 12-month old to stay in the chair is impossible

 Tamborine distraction did the trick!

 Nonna and Grandpa's visit in June (more to come)

 Berries!  Ethan's diet is half berries and will eat handfuls at a time.

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