Friday, April 23, 2010

2 Months

We had our doctor's appointment on Wednesday and our lil' punkin' did great. She got 2 shots, one oral vaccine and a repeat of the heel prick. Poor thing! She was a brave little baby and we are so proud of her.

Here are the statistics:
Weight: 11 pounds (55%)
Height: 23 inches (75%)

Some other fun facts:
-Smiles often (even when she looks at the mini-blinds)
-Loves hearing me whistle, especially to the tune of Itsy Bitsy Spider
-LOVES her changing table and looking at the ceiling in her room and ours. It must be something about the angles and shadows; it's like baby crack!
-Continues to make more cooing sounds and sometimes surprises herself
-Still trying to find her thumb....she's trying really hard!

Smiley after all the shots. I was trying to get a picture of the band aids on her legs and she erupted in this grin.

Helping Dad do some work

2 month outtakes...thanks to Charlene for this adorable outfit!

Short But Sweet

Last Saturday (April 17), we celebrated Eliana's two month marker by heading down to Portland. We left Saturday and came back Sunday - she was a trooper in the car and slept most of the way. I had a great time at Lindsey's shower and we had a wonderful time at Ian and Steph's - thank you for hosting breakfast! Eliana was so lucky to also meet the Franklins while we were there (I was too slow on the draw for the camera, darn!). The trip was less than 24 hours and there are so many friends to visit in Portland - it seems like we never have enough time....but the next trip we need to meet up with the Moehls, Allaire & Ben and Drew & Brittany. Sorry we didn't get to see you this time!

On another note, I need to mark this down in Eliana's baby book, but she was kicked out of her first bar last weekend!! Nate had taken her during the shower since he wanted to hang out as he was in NYC last week...well, he and Matt went to a bar/restaurant with the other guys and according to Nate, El Belle was chill the first hour, took a bottle and then started to get fussy. She's a baby, right? Babies get fussy. Mind you, there were tons of other kids in the restaurant at this point. She started to cry and the waitress came over to Nate and said, "About the baby...." So, Nate had to leave with little punkin. Thanks, miss grumpy waitress!!

Thanks for hosting such a fun breakfast, Max!!

Here's a belated thanks to the Tydemans for making the drive all the way to Seattle to meet Eliana when she was born (again, too slow with the camera).

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Grandma Dahlgren's visit

Nate was in New York last week, so my Mom came to help out. It was so nice to have her here and help with Eliana. One day we spent 'Unhappy hour' walking to the park with Eliana while she voiced her opinion....I'm sure some people thought, "What is that lady doing walking up a huge hill while she's wearing a crying baby?" But, we got some fresh air and Eliana ended up falling asleep.

The highlight was hitting up the Tulip Festival in Mt. Vernon. Eliana took a nice nap on the ride there and we got to walk around and enjoy the beautiful flowers. Not pictured below: Grandma and Mom doing a serious house cleaning while Eliana gets to share her first dusting experience with mom via the Ergo. Thanks, Grandma! We love and miss you!!

3 Generations

I love my Grandma

Mt. Vernon Tulip Festival

Thanks for the beautiful blanket, Sarah!

This is my serious face, "Mom, let's get walking already." Thanks, Rolf, what a beautiful hat!!

Out for a stroll, Grandma behind the wheel

The multi-tasker

This was Grandma's huge project while I was in labor and her and my dad were waiting in the waiting room for 6 hours. She had it framed and brought the finished product to Seattle. Thanks, Mom! It's so beautiful. Eliana loves it.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Boise Friends

The Jewells stopped through Seattle on their way back to Boise two weeks ago. It was so fun for Eliana to meet Jack and for Nate and Tim to compare parenting stories. We wish we could have had more time with them, but we'll plan on next year's relay race to make up for lost time.

Jack to Eliana: It's ok, little one, soon you'll grow up big like me...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Gas to drive to Deception Pass State Park - $40
Hours to get to the park amidst Tulip Festival goers - 3
Groceries for the picnic at the park - $15
Times to stop and feed and change Eliana on the way - 3

Eliana smiles on Rosario Point, looking west to the Olympics and Puget Sound - PRICELESS

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Look at me!!

I think I finally caught the big one on video. I had so much fun today both trying to get Eliana to track my voice and turn her head and then trying to catch her smile on video so all the grandparents and friends can enjoy. I love this one....just make sure to wait until the end of the video so you get all the good stuff!

Monday, April 5, 2010

First Easter

We had a wonderful Easter weekend. On Saturday, we witnessed the Magnolia Community Center Easter egg hunt. If we would've known, we could have gotten Eliana into the 0-3 hunt; however, as Nate put it, "We would just be taking the eggs from all the little kids..." Next year, little one! A side note: Eliana is now 6 weeks old! How did that happen?

On Sunday, we put Eliana in a cute dress, thanks to cousin Lennea, and headed out on a walk to church, Upper Crust Bakery for some pastries and coffee and then back home. We were very proud parents when all the people at church were commenting on how cute (and little) Elle Belle is. Nate was a proud Daddy walking with our sleeping pumpkin to take communion. Happy Belated Easter everyone!

Thank you, Auntie Amy, for my first Easter outfit!!

Thank you, Zinks, for my cute Easter dress!!

Happy? Easter (right as we took this she wasn't enjoying our photo shoot anymore....)